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They fight for Israel. We make sure they have support.

They fight for Israel. We make sure they have support.
Every year, hundreds of young Jewish adults from around the world make Aliyah and enlist in the IDF through the Garin Tzabar program.

Run by the Israeli Scouts, in partnership with The Jewish Agency, the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, and Nefesh B’Nefesh, Garin Tzabar emphasizes communal life, learning Hebrew, and building a support structure for these brave, young heroes by providing an “instant family” for IDF recruits.

The Garin Tzabar program offers a unique approach to helping young adults succeed in their Aliyah and military service. After several months of intensive seminars, they will make all make Aliyah together, move to a host kibbutz, and spend time learning Hebrew and preparing for the army, before finally enlisting. Throughout their military service, the members of the garin will spend their vacations and free time at their host kibbutz. By the end of Garin Tzabar, the soldiers will have built a network that can help them thrive in their new home as they continue to immerse themselves in Israeli society.

The immigrants who participate in Garin Tzabar come from a wide variety of backgrounds and countries. Some were born in Israel or have parents who were. Some were born Jewish, while others converted. But by the end of their time as a garin, they have much more in common.

Garin Zabar participant Ashley Gerber

“The program has something for everyone,” says Netta Burstein, the program’s educational director. “Someone who came here doubting who they are will discover things about their Judaism, and someone who discovered their Judaism a year before coming to Israel will enjoy [educational] content and life-changing experiences here. On the other hand, there are Israelis who know Israeli society and have a new experience here, encountering the State of Israel with people from all over the world.”

Garin Tzabar provides “instant family for IDF recruits” in partnership with the Israel Scouts movement. It builds groups of Diaspora Jews and Israelis who have been living abroad from a young age, and have chosen to move to Israel and serve in the IDF.
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