AmiUnity's theory of change is based on three principles: knowledge leads to interest, interest leads to connection, and connection leads to commitment—and we're engaging Israeli young people every step of the way. We believe:
1. The Jewish people exist beyond the borders of Israel, and every young Israeli Jew is a part of that.
2. The Jewish people are made up of a multitude of communities around the globe. These communities have significance, strength, impact, and legitimacy.
3. While Jews throughout the world have differing opinions and a plethora of identities, they are all part of one people—a unique, global family.
4. Like all families, the Jewish people includes within it different voices, and recognizes the equal legitimacy of all these voices.
5. The State of Israel is the homeland of the entire Jewish people, and every member of the Jewish people must be able to feel at home in it.
6. The fact that every Jew must feel comfortable in Israel is a mutual obligation demanded of all of us.